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Help me choose a genuine Profile bar?

Help me choose a genuine plastic profile.


We will help you to choose the genuine bar.

Dong A Plastic Group (DAG) is the pioneer and has the largest PVC production plant in Vietnam.
16 years experience of penetrating into the Vietnamese market. Dong A Plastic Group offers advice to consumers when choosing to buy genuine plastic bar products:

– Dummy is often difficult to stamp, stamps are often broken and not tough. The stamp on the stamp is dark and hard.
– The electronic words running on the bar are sharp, clear, even, on the bar, there are different blurring, different colors.
– False plastic veins are usually small, thin and have a thinner bar than the real bar. If using a hammer, the plastic bar will break at the accessory slot, and the real bar is strong and hard to break.
– Realize false with the eye based on the upvc profile bar, code, the character of the real brand.

Wish you have the best choice when choosing shide profile bar, sea alpha profile for your purpose.

Wish you health.

Best regards!

Chào Mừng Bạn Đến Với DAG

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