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15 green materials in sustainable construction trends

The trend of sustainable construction encourages the use of green materials, environmentally friendly and energy-saving solutions to minimize the impact on the environment while ensuring functionality, aesthetics efficiency economics the project.

Green building (sustainable construction) is an inevitable trend in countries around the world. In particular, in Vietnam, the country on the top list of risks of climate change in the next 30 years, the development of green buildings needs to focus a promoted. To achieve that, construction products need to be oriented and prioritized using green materials, environmentally friendly materials.

Green materials are defined as environmentally responsible materials because their effects are considered throughout the life of the material. According to Greenguide’s definition, green building products and materials must meet at least one of the following criteria:

– Non – toxic

– Has recycled content

– Saving resources

– Long service life

– Interested in the environment

Please introduce to readers the green materials that are highly appreciated in the market for their effectiveness and cost savings. Please introduce to readers the green materials that are highly appreciated in the market for their effectiveness and cost savings.

Recycled building materials. The use of recycled construction materials has the effect of reducing the need for new materials, minimizing production cost, transportation costs, waste disposal costs…

For example, uPVC Profile Bar colour and wood grain brand SHIDE of DONG A PLASTIC GROUP JOINT STOCK COMPANY (DAG) is manufactured according to the “Greenline” standard which is the standard system for stabilizers without lead to ensure consumer health, environmentally friendly.

Materials derived from soil.

Materials derived from soil such as unburnt bricks, clay mixes with corn cobs and lime, the clay used to be used for construction purposes since its inception. In order to increase the bearing capacity and durability of the material, it is possible and grass, straw or other shredded fibres. Works made of these materials have very high thermal insulation and competitive costs.

Bambo is a traditional material used in construction works in many localities for thousands of years. Today, along with the trend of green building development, bamboo is indeed a promising construction material for modern buildings in the world. This material has the advantage of durability, weight and rapid regeneration. Bamboo can be used as a framework for buildings, replacing the role of reinforced concrete especially in areas with abundant bamboo resources, difficult traffic, needs reconstruction after natural disasters.

Foam XPS

A long time ago. XPS foam was a soundproof and thermal insulation material used in many civil, industrial and public buildings. Many recent studies on new buildings show that buildings using 15-18cm insulation foam can save electricity consumption of 343-344wh/m2.

Paint does not contain VOC

The term VOC (volatile organic compounds) is often used to refer to a mixture of toxic organic substances that fly in the air. VOC exits in most interior paints, exterior, adhesives, cleaning products… VOCs are very volatile and combine with harmless inorganic substances to form new compounds that pollute the environment and do affect human health such as irritation of eyes, nose headache, dizziness, respiratory diseases, damage to the lungs an nervous system.

Therefore, when choosing wall paint, you should pay attention to the VOC of paint. Paints with low VOC content are more expensive but will be safer. To ensure the health of yourself your family, you should choose a VOC-free paint (0g/litre) or a VOC content of less than 50g.

Straw Bales

Straw bales are green materials that are widely used in farms because of their high availability and sound insulation and insulation. In addition, straw bales are also fire resistant because when production, straw is pressed tightly so the air cannot pass. Because the straw is not able to withstand the load, it is only suitable for filling materials between columns or in frames and beams.

Split stone (slate)

Split stones are natural stones, split from a large stone block. Thanks to that, the stone has a uniform colour, easy to tiling. With the ability to withstand high temperatures, good cold; load-bearing capacity, many colours, natural stone veins split stones give permanent durability and exquisite beauty. Besides, however, due to the heavyweight and difficult constructions, this material is mainly used near mining areas, mainly works close to the distance of not more than 100km

According to the Vietnam Association of Building Materials

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